Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Little Helpers

These past couple of days I've been organizing many out of sight, out of mind projects. First there was the filing cabinet. I couldn't have gotten it done without the help of Bonnie.

I recently was given some new shelves for our pantry and I decided to rearrange our food. I couldn't possibly have done it without Chazz's supervision.

Unfortunately, I didn't score well with Chazz's monthly review so when I tackled our cord box, he felt I needed additional guidance.

And finally, after a long day's work for Chazz, he needed to tucker out and get some rest.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Chapter In My Life Has Come To An End

We certainly had another jammed packed weekend. We FINALLY tackled the garage and it now looks quite organized. I have no idea what we are going to do when we head back to CA and get our boat and other belongings...but, that's two months away so I'm not going to think about that now! ;)

We also got some major fixtures hung on the wall. For Christmas, my mother-in-law got us two decorative windows and we hung those yesterday over our bistro table. We also hung curtains in the guest bedroom and hung our final pictures in the office.

In between assisting Matt with his "man-work," I took on a project that I've been procrastinating for too long - our filing cabinet! We had to empty it out for the move, otherwise it would have been too heavy. Of course, by doing that, all our files got jumbled. But, I finished the project and feel much better that I can find things when I look for them!

We also went to another hockey game on Sunday evening. It was a great game and Toledo won 6-3. This was the last home game for the Walleyes so Matt and I were pretty excited that we were able to go to the game.

After the game, while driving home, something AMAZING happened. OK, well, this requires some set up so let me start with that...

Two years ago, I started a game with myself of trying to find each US state's license plate. I was pretty impressed with Chico's variety of state representation. When heading north to visit my cousins Jill and Jamie, I was able to pick up quite a few more. Then as of late last year, I narrowed it down to one - WEST VIRGINIA! I swear, I had myself convinced that West Virginians did not venture outside their state!!! Then, when we moved to Ohio, I had myself convinced I'd see one right away since they are neighboring states. Alas, nothing...

But then, last night, an unassuming car drove by us and, as if in slow motion, I looked at the license plate and screamed out, "Matt, look!" After convincing him that we weren't about to die (since, let's face it, he was driving and I did just randomly scream at him) he also looked and saw it too! Ha, ha, my game is finally over!!! Two years - can you believe it. That also includes bonus plates of Washington DC and many from Canada.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Ice Cream in Snow

Merlin's beard, it's cold out there!!!!

Our weather has been very indecisive this past week. It's been raining on and off since Monday. Yesterday we had sunshine and today it snowed! Make up your mind, Mother Nature!!!

Today was one of Matt's co-workers' last day and we were invited to go to a party at Bar Louie. I got my usual shrimp bruschetta and Matt got wings. I got to meet more of Matt's co-workers and of the ones Matt works near, I think I only need to meet two more. That's good progress, isn't it?

Afterwards, we made plans to get ice cream with Stephanie and Eric. By then it had started to snow but that didn't stop us! I'm glad it didn't because it was really good. I'm just glad our ice cream cones didn't turn into snow cones - ha, ha!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another Great Date Night

Matt and I had a great evening of Mexican food and Hockey with Stephanie. I asked her permission last night if I could use her name on this blog and she obviously said yes. So now you can know her name finally! Her boyfriend's name is Eric (or as we call him at the games - Yellow Pants - since he wears yellow pants at his games).

Their team won which means that he is in the final championship game - very exciting! We are planning to go to the game next week to cheer him and his team on. Apparently, for championship games, the upstairs bar serves steak for the team and their supporters so...we're in! (sorry to my veggie Jills)

Since I already reported on yesterday's activities, I don't have anything else to write about yesterday. Today I'll be tackling more on the, what seems like a never ending to do list, take a bike ride and hopefully start on the garage since the weather promises to be nicer today. It's amazing how many lingering things there are to do when you move out of the state. It seems as though each day has some new discovery of something we need to get done or research. I'm definitely not complaining - it just amazes me as to how I can fill up a day with so much!

Monday, March 22, 2010

March Showers Will Bring April Showers Which Will Bring May Flowers (Hopefully)!

Wow, that was a mouth full. But honestly, how can I feel like it's spring when it's raining out! I didn't get a whole lot done yesterday because it was so miserable outside. It was too cold and wet to work in the garage so I stayed inside and puttered around doing small jobs here and there.

Today was more productive because the sun decided to visit. Yippie! I went out for a bike ride to deposit our first check into our new checking account. When I got home, I finally reorganized our bathroom and cleaned the whole apartment. Now I'm sitting on my chair with a kitty on my lap waiting for a friend to come over so we can go to dinner and then watch her beau's hockey game. We did this a few weeks ago and had a great time. Hopefully his team will win tonight. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Back" To The Drawing Board...

Matt and I had intended to organize the garage yesterday; however, Matt tweaked his back yesterday morning so we decided to have a relaxing afternoon. This means that I have a lot of work ahead of me for the next few days.

Matt and I recently saw an advertisement for a huge garage sale taking place in a couple of weeks and we are considering partaking in it. We have many things we would like to sell and I think this opportunity may be perfect for us. It takes place in a nearby mall and there should be over 200 vendors participating. The only catch is that it's taking place on Easter weekend, and since Matt has Good Friday off, we want to take a weekend trip somewhere. We'll just have to figure things out when Matt gets home tonight...

Our Very Own Butchart Gardens

Thought you all would like to see what the fountain/pond looks like at night...

Isn't that pretty?

Farmer Matt and Farmess Kirsten

What!? Don't we look authentic? (It probably doesn't help that I used photos of us from the Bahamas!) ;)

I feel this new title is warranted. We had a very productive and fun Saturday. The morning started off with us going to a weekly Farmers Market in Toledo. We got some bread and candy and I got a new pair of earings. We found an antique store next to the market so we had to take a gander in there, too.

I had mentioned that we got candy, well here it is.

These "deviled eggs" were really made of white chocolate, sugar frosting and red sugar crystals. They look so authentic!

After our shopping, we went to Tractor Supply to buy metal fencing for our porch. I want the kitties to have access on the porch while I'm out there, but I also don't want them to fall off - hence the fencing. While we were at the tractor store, I got a little distracted by these cute little darlings...

This poor little guy was the outsider of the group because he was missing an eye. :( I thought he needed a little extra love. I named him Quackers.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kirsten, The Biker Chick!

Recently the weather has been beautiful so I've been riding Matt's bike to and from his work so I can have the car for errands. Currently we are sharing his bike until we get a new one for me.

Yesterday, I went to his work so we could open a local bank account. Afterwards, Matt treated me to a cafeteria lunch. I love the building Matt works in - it has everything!

That evening, Matt went out with some work friends to watch basketball. He got home in time for us to have dinner and hang out for the rest of the evening.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Going Green!

I hope you all had a fun St. Patty's Day! Matt and I met up with our neighbor friends and went out for dinner and drinks. The place we went to didn't have green beer, so I was a little disappointed. Instead, I resolved that issue by rebelling and having a bright red drink!

As for yesterday's daytime activities, I started a new blog and gave this one a make-over. (I hope you like it) The new blog isn't ready to post yest, but I can say that it will consist of the great deals I find throughout my exploration of Ohio. Mainly, I want to post fun and affordable things to do or places to eat throughout the week and weekend. I figured it will help me plan for our weekends, and I might as well share my findings with my fellow Ohioans.

As for Matt, he worked on one machine for the majority of the day so he couldn't report much. But, that evening, before he met up with us, he was invited to a networking dinner so he could meet many visiting managers throughout North America. Apparently even the "big cheese" boss for Matt's entire department was there. When Matt joined us, we asked him if he wanted something to eat, to which he replied, "No, I'm stuffed. I just had chicken, steak and salmon, oh yeah, and they had an open bar." Does Matt live the life, or what!? :)

I took this picture a long time ago and really liked the slogan. This doesn't have anything to do with yesterday's activities, but since it's "green" related and I don't have a picture from yesterday, I thought I'd post this one.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

She's Alive!!!

Just thought you would all like to know that our pond is complete again.

I'm "Mad" For Date Night!

I just love date night! We started at Bar Louie, my new favorite restaurant! Every Tuesday they have $1 burger night! Holy Cow! (pardon the pun)

As you can see, the burger itself starts at $1 and then you can add toppings for .50 each. My burger was $3.00 and Matt's was $2.00. (I love to live lavishly!)

We also found out that each night, Bar Louie has half-off appetizers during Happy Hour. OK, I'm seriously never cooking again! This just makes too much economical sense! I can order shrimp brushetta for $4.99! OK, we all know I would miss cooking, but I'm going to have to sacrifice from time to time. ;)

We then went to our clubhouse for a "March Madness" kick-off party. We met a few new residents, including a gentleman that I'm convinced is my older brother. Mom and Dad, I don't know if you remember having a second child, but I found him. He loves movies and every time he spoke, it was as if he were reading my mind. Hopefully he will attend my movie nights so he and I can compare notes.

After the clubhouse event, we concluded our date night by seeing the new Alice in Wonderland movie in 3D. Again, this was Tuesday, so it was $6 movies!!! I just love that even the 3D movies are $6 bucks! Matt and I both liked it. I think I enjoyed it because I wasn't comparing it to the cartoon version or the books. I did like Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, and I'm glad he played the role more toned down from what I was expecting.

All in all, it was a great night! We came home having our bellies full, we met some nice people and saw a great flick! Ahh, the perfect Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Belated Pics

Here are the pics we took of our visit with Jill

This is at Lake Erie - as you can see, we were a little cold...

And this was in front of the Mexican restaurant - apparently Toldeo is know as Frog Town - I'll have to learn more about that...

Finally, this picture was taken inside the ladies room. I'm dedicating it to Grandpa and his famous elephant joke! :)

A Great Day With Sis!

We had such a wonderful day with Jill. Since she was only able to visit for Saturday, we made sure to give her the ultimate tour of the area! It didn't help that it rained all day long, but Jill was a trooper. :)

We started by going to Matt's "mug club" restaurant. We can always count on that place to have yummy lunches. Afterwards, we went to see Lake Erie. None of us had been so we decided to find the nearest beach.

When we got there, we discovered a great launching area for our boat and a long pier. It will be a great place for the summer. However since it was raining, we jumped out of the car, took a quick picture and jumped right back in the car.

Next we drove along the Maumee River to show Jill some of the beautiful houses in the area. That route took us to Toledo, so we showed her around the city. We took her to the glass museum, which is part of the Toledo Museum of Art and enjoyed that a lot. Matt and I had been once before, but we notices that they switched out many of their pieces. That will be a museum we can enjoy throughout the year.

Since we were having a glass-themed weekend, we decided to hit the Libby Glass Outlet before it closed. It was much larger than I thought. As Jill and I were perusing the isles, Matt went to the back and found out where the weekly Farmers Market is held. I'm pretty excited to try it out because we have heard great thing about it! You know where we will be next Saturday!

We finished our tour by taking Jill to a Mexican restaurant that oversees the river. Whereas the food was OK (Matt and I are still determined to find good Mexican food in OH!!!) the view was wonderful - despite the rain! :)

Then we headed home and watched a couple movies. Whew, that was quite a day!!!

I have pictures, but I'll have to post them tomorrow since they are on Matt's phone.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday With Family

Jill made it safe and sound. It's wonderful to have her here! After we picked her up at the airport, we went out to dinner to a Greek/Mediterranean restaurant. Their specialty is a cheese dish that gets flambéd next to the table. This goes on all evening and it's pretty awesome to watch fires going on all around you. The table next to us ordered one and when the waiter lit it, Jill and I could feel the heat.

We then went to Matt's work and gave her the tour. She was pretty impressed with his work area and I must say that whereas this was my third tour I learn something new each time. Today we are going to show Jill our town and probably head over to Toledo for dinner tonight. We were hoping to go to Lake Erie, but it's raining so we may not make it that far. We'll see, we are up for the adventure!

When we got back to the apartment, the kitties remembered her instantly and were very happy to see their Auntie Jill!

Friday, March 12, 2010

He's Baaaack...

Yes, Matt is back. It's nice to have the family complete again. Matt was kindly greeted by his wife and two kitties that were very happy to see him. Today, Matt's sister J is coming for a weekend visit. She has a couple of days between her work schedule so she said she would like to see us and our new pad. :)

For Matt's homecoming, we and our friend S, went to dinner. We went to a great southern style place that is attached to a comedy club. We've been wanting to go there for a while and I'm glad we finally did. We ended up staying for a long time chatting away. It was a nice evening. :)

Well, to all those that casted their votes, on the pond's melting status - it officially melted away yesterday. Dad was the closest with only 1 day off. It is so nice to have the water back.

We even had some ducks already visit. Since it was such a pretty day out, I decided to open the porch door and let the kitties roam. Here's my temporary solution:

Geeze, what a "mother" will do for her "kids" ;)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Name is Bond, Matt Bond...

Yippie Skippie, Matt is coming home today. He had a great day yesterday at Coors. He said that one section of the factory was made up entirely of un-manned robotic forklifts. He watched them in awe and couldn't believe how synchronized they were. Then he told me he kept waiting for them all to gang up and form an uprise. You know, it's comments like that, that keep me absolutely in love with Matt!

Matt's day ended early at Coors, so he had the second half to relax. Later that evening, he and his co-worker went to dinner. He was craving chicken and then he saw a Hooters. He asked his co-worker if he had ever been to one and said they had amazing wings.

OK, now let me interject right here because I know what you are all thinking - yeah right, that's what they all say. He's going there for the "wings." But you know what, he actually was. Matt and I have been to Hooters together and we did love the wings. However, I think it is hilarious that Matt, the married man, was trying to convince his co-worker, the bachelor, they should go to Hooters for the wings. It also didn't help that Wednesday's special was "all you can eat wings night."

So I had to ask, "what were all the other 'wing-loving' customers like?" He then proceeded to tell me that he was surrounded by other couples and a family that brought a 5 year old. He actually then said, "Yeah, it's really become a family place." Ha!

Anyway, I hope this translates as funny through this blog as it did last night when Matt and I talked. His comments are just so funny!

I, on the other hand, decided to take myself on a dinner date last night. I went to Johnny Rockets and treated myself to an egg salad sandwich, french fries and a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake. I then took a walk around the shopping center and headed home. No robots or pretty girls for me yesterday. ;)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Matt's Adventures Have Been Extended

I just realized that I haven't written about Matt since he's been gone. Sorry to all the Matt fans out there! :)

So far Matt has learned about factory operations and reporting. He is staying an extra day because the plant manager is taking a trip to a client's plant and asked Matt and his co-worker if they would like to join him. Apparently meeting a client at their factory is a unique opportunity, so Matt was excited when his boss approved the extra day.

My meeting for my "new job" went well. I won't be doing much, but it is an ideal job for me and I'll be saving us money on rent. Our resident managers would like the residents to have access to the club house in the evening; however, there are no employees available to watch over it at night. I was asked if I would be able to plan and facilitate some night activities throughout the month so the clubhouse could be open some nights. Sounds good to me! So far the ideas we have are dinner and a movie, Wii bowling tournaments and pool tournaments. I personally would like to see us have a cookie eating contest, but we'll see. ;)

As for our pond, no cracks yet. In fact, the pond took a step backwards and has a new layer of ice on it.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Off To Start My Work Day...

Wow, I haven't said that in a while! I've been so used to being the housewife for the past month, that I started to forgot that I still have some talents somewhere hidden in me! ;)

I'm meeting with the resident manager for my new job duties at 1pm. I'll be sure to post more once I have more info. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Countdown to Cracking

For the past few days, I have been watching our pond with sheer anticipation that it will soon melt enough to develop a huge crack and split open. We've had some rather sunny days, so I'm in awe that the pond has held strong for as long as it has. Matt keeps wanting to throw a rock in the pond to get things moving along, but I told Matt that would be cheating (even though secretly I've been wanting to, also!) I've decided that my pond intrigue is blog worthy - and I'm taking bets as to how long you think it will take. Winner gets bragging points!

Here it is as of today:

I'm Blogging Rather Than Counting Sheep...

Matt took off for his business trip yesterday. I wish I could report more exciting news than just that, but yesterday was a pretty low key day. The morning consisted of me staying in bed after a night of still feeling yucky and was then followed by Matt leaving early in the afternoon. I did manage to watch the Oscars all the way through. That doesn't surprise me since Steve Martin was hosting - I had a lot of incentive. :)

I then fell asleep on the couch, only to wake up at 4am, and now I'm in bed trying to get back to sleep. Good night everyone - oh, I guess I mean good morning! ;)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Surprise Saturday

We had a very busy Saturday. Since it was such a nice day out, we decided to do something outside. There is a Sports Mall in a town near us so Matt and I decided to check that out. On our way out, we stopped by our club house and while we were there, something very unexpected happened. I got a job!

Our resident manager has been pretty swamped with work lately and said that she's fallen behind in planning the apartment's monthly social events. She asked me if I would like to take on that job and she would be willing to pay me by lowering our monthly rent. How exciting! Matt is pretty thrilled about it too and keeps putting in his requests of things to do. I have my first meeting on Tuesday to determine my role. :)

So how did Matt and I celebrate? We got some free cookies and coffee of course! ;)

We headed to the Sports Mall and it is massive. First off, there is a huge building for indoor soccer, basketball and volleyball. There are tournaments for all ages all weekend long. That's just inside...

This is just one of the two soccer fields. The volleyball and basketball buildings were just as huge!

Outdoors has a golf driving range, batting cages, multiple baseball and soccer fields, and a water park. A small water park, but none the less, a water park with slides and pools. Where did all of this come from? Matt and I did see a funny sign in front of the batting cages that we would like to share.

Oddly enough, we have driven past it so many times because it is right next to the Antique Mall that I've now been to three times! I guess I know one activity we will be hitting during the summer.

Of course after the Sports Mall we just had to go to the Antique Mall. ;) We went home afterwards and lounged the rest of the evening. We were supposed to hang out with our friends, but one got sick and the other got off her nursing shift later than expected. Oh well, it was nice to just sit around.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Was It Something I Said?

So M&D left yesterday, and today I found out that Matt will be leaving town on Sunday for his first business trip. Geez, why is everyone ditching me!? That's OK, now I can finally have that getaway trip with just the kitties and me. ;)

Matt was assigned to go to Atlanta for just a few days. He'll be back by Wednesday evening. Most of his day was spent making travel arrangements. As for me, I finished a craft project for my jewelry. Here's how it turned out:

I've been wanting to display them for a while now and since I had to lose my display case to the move (it was attached to the wall), I thought this was a creative solution. :) I took some old picture frames I found at the antique mall and attached screens to them to hold the jewelry.

This evening Matt and I had a ho-hum evening. Just ran some errands...not much to report.

Boo, Hoo, Thursday!

Mom and Dad's visit came to an end yesterday. Boo! We all had such a nice and relaxing time - we were sorry to see them go. Since their flight was later in the evening, the four of us were able to have a nice goodbye lunch. Dad decided to eat light, so he got an appetizer.

Hmm...so much for that plan!

Afterwards, we had time to watch a movie so we borrowed Sunshine Cleaning. It was darker than I thought it would be, but I liked it.

Then the inevitable had to happen - Mom and Dad had to head off to the airport. We miss you guys already - and yes, Bonnie and Chazz miss you, too!

Later that evening, I worked on a craft project and Matt and I had, yes, you guessed it - leftovers! I think we will have enough to last us the entire weekend!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Garbage at Grumpy's

Well golly, where have I been the last few days!? It's been so hard keeping up with the blog while with M&D and then for the past few days I've been under the weather. Unfortunately, I was sick the last couple of days of their visit, so I suggested they go to the art museum without me. They started off at at restaurant named Grumpy's. I had heard great things about it - especially since it has such odd hours. They are only open Monday - Friday during lunch. I guess they must have a great work crowd! We were told that the most popular item to order is the Garbage Salad, so that is what Dad got. He said it was pretty good!

Meanwhile, back at home, I continued to be sick as a dog (insert your sympathy for me here)!

M&D then headed to the Toledo Art Museum and agreed that it was a great museum. They started with the glass museum and ended in the main building. I'm glad they had such a nice time.

Over our time together, we accrued quite a bit of leftovers. Since I was feeling better and Dad has recently taken a liking to cooking, he and I decided to make dinner. We got creative and decided to incorporate all the different leftovers. We bought a head of lettuce so we could use it for lettuce cups. Then we filled the cups with the different items. We made three different combos 1. pulled pork, coleslaw and fruit salsa, 2. shrimp with cocktail sauce and 3. steak with caramelized onions, garlic and mushrooms. It was awesome!

We named the dinner, Lettuce Cup Leftovers. We highly recommend it!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spartan Pride Lives On - Even In Enemy Territory

Well, pigs can officially fly. Mom and I managed to get Dad to visit Ann Arbor, MI today - or as Dad calls it, "enemy territory." Since Dad prides himself as a Michigan State Spartan, he was very upset when he learned he was going to be surrounded by his nemesis, the UofM Wolverines. Dad even wore the color green today so he could sport his "Big Green Pride." Sigh...

We met up with Dad's side of the family today for lunch, hence why we headed to MI. The restaurant was converted from an old train depot. It was pretty neat inside since I hadn't been to a restaurant like that before.

Here is the family - we had a great time!

After lunch we went to downtown Ann Arbor and shopped around. I did have to show this picture because it was too funny for poor Dad. Notice which shirt is further marked down... ;)

Needless to say, Dad was heart broken.

Sunday and Monday

Since I'm a little behind in blogging due to all the fun we are having, I thought I would combine Sunday and Monday's activities.

On Sunday, we went to a large craft fair. It was actually a pretty good show. It had a good variety of vendors that ranged from food to furniture. Mom and I got some gifty items and I also bought some bread. We had some time to kill so we took Matt to the antique mall M&D and I had been to on Friday.

Yesterday Matt had to go back to work (boo!) and once again, M&D had a late start in the morning. It's nice, we get to take our time and chat, so we aren't complaining!

We had planned to go to the art museum, but since it was such a gorgeous day out we decided to stick with outside activities. We went to Mom's favorite deli (the one she hit almost daily when we were here in November) since it was so close to our hotel. Afterwards, we attempted to walk around a fort that was near named Fort Meigs. Unfortunately, it was closed so we had no luck with that activity. We decided to walk around downtown Perrysburg and did some light shopping.

That evening was the pinnacle of our day. We all went to a really nice dinner by the Toledo River. There is a series of restaurants by the river called "The Docks" and they all looked really nice. Matt and I will have to go back and try each one. We had an amazing view and the dinner was delicious. M&D treated us since they wanted to congratulate us in our new home - thanks again M&D!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Father and Daughter - The Chefs

On Saturday, we headed to Bowling Green. Of course we had to show M&D our famous BBQ joint that has the wonderful harbor view of the lighthouse. After lunch we drove to Bowling Green and mainly drove around. We did happen to stop in the bookstore.

We are not sure why some crazy person would design these gloves, but I just had to pose for a picture.

After BG, we went to Saturday night mass. This was by far our favorite church but we are still going to keep searching just in case.

Dad and I had promised to make dinner for M&M that night. We had a crab themed dinner - crab cake sandwiches and crab dip. They both were very yummy!!!!