Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Name is Bond, Matt Bond...

Yippie Skippie, Matt is coming home today. He had a great day yesterday at Coors. He said that one section of the factory was made up entirely of un-manned robotic forklifts. He watched them in awe and couldn't believe how synchronized they were. Then he told me he kept waiting for them all to gang up and form an uprise. You know, it's comments like that, that keep me absolutely in love with Matt!

Matt's day ended early at Coors, so he had the second half to relax. Later that evening, he and his co-worker went to dinner. He was craving chicken and then he saw a Hooters. He asked his co-worker if he had ever been to one and said they had amazing wings.

OK, now let me interject right here because I know what you are all thinking - yeah right, that's what they all say. He's going there for the "wings." But you know what, he actually was. Matt and I have been to Hooters together and we did love the wings. However, I think it is hilarious that Matt, the married man, was trying to convince his co-worker, the bachelor, they should go to Hooters for the wings. It also didn't help that Wednesday's special was "all you can eat wings night."

So I had to ask, "what were all the other 'wing-loving' customers like?" He then proceeded to tell me that he was surrounded by other couples and a family that brought a 5 year old. He actually then said, "Yeah, it's really become a family place." Ha!

Anyway, I hope this translates as funny through this blog as it did last night when Matt and I talked. His comments are just so funny!

I, on the other hand, decided to take myself on a dinner date last night. I went to Johnny Rockets and treated myself to an egg salad sandwich, french fries and a peanut butter and chocolate milkshake. I then took a walk around the shopping center and headed home. No robots or pretty girls for me yesterday. ;)

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